Unified PDF Display Optimization for GravityView Integration

Project Description

In a project aimed at enhancing user experience, I implemented an advanced customization for a client’s portal that used GravityView to display form entries from Gravity Forms. By design, GravityView segregates PDF feeds from each form entry into distinct columns based on the form logic, leading to the possibility of multiple columns for one form entry.

The challenge was to amalgamate all PDF outputs generated from a single form entry into a consolidated column, irrespective of the PDF template in use. While the default integration between Fillable PDFs and GravityView primarily supports individual columns for each feed, I innovatively employed custom coding. Through precise manipulation of the theme’s functions.php file, combined with tailored filtering, I was able to fetch and display all related PDFs under a singular column. The result was a streamlined, user-friendly display of PDFs, optimizing the client-facing portal’s functionality and aesthetics.

Front-End Development Skills: WordPress, Woocommerce customization, Mobile-Responsive, Plugin Customization, Adobe Photoshop,

Link To Project:  https://frontlinetesting.com/